
English Name: Meilin Rae
Japanese Name: Meiling Li
Birthday: May 25th
Age: 10
Fave Color: Red
Fave Food: Chinese Food
Friends: Li, Sakura
Grade: 4
Fave Subject: Music, Gym
Least Fave Subject: Japanese
Wants: Magical Powers

Meilin is engaged to Li and will fight anyone who stands in the way of them. She is sensitive, tries her best and is determined. In the manga she and Li are cousins. But they changed her last name and they became unrelated in the US television version. Meilin is a little mean towards Sakura at first because she knows Li is in love with Sakura, not her. Meilin is also jealous of Sakura because she has magical powers and Meilin doesn't. Though, Meilin comes off as a mean person she is really kind at heart. (I believe she even helps set Sakura and Li up in the second movie.)