
English Name: Ruby Moon
Japanese Name: Nakura Akizuki/ Ruby Moon
Birthday: October 13
Age: n/a
Fave Color: Red
Friends: Toya (???), Suppi, Eriol
Grade: High School
Fave Subject: Math
Wants: Something Yummy

Nakura is Yuki and Toya's classmate. Actually, Nakura, is really Ruby Moon, Eriol's magical companion in human form. She hangs all over Toya (that really annoys Toya.) She likes to bug people and cause trouble. She also likes cute things. She's very hyper (VERY HYPER) and perky. Nakura likes to play mind games with Yuki too. Nakura, Ruby's human form, is a girl. But Ruby actually has no real gender... but most agree she is actually... a male.